Improves editor, database connectivity and data views.
SQL General
- Structure view for the block statement.
SQL Highlighting
- Subquery folding improvement.
- Support for Sequence Storage Engine MariaDB syntax.
Core. Indexing
- Cannot resolve symbol after switching branch.
Editor. TextMate Bundles
- Open File or folder hangs out Rider UI completely.
User Interface. Project View
- Larger font and vertical spacing in Project tree view and completion popup - regression in 2019.3.3.
DB Connectivity
- Cannot connect to MySQL via SSH with $ in database name.
DB Console
- SQL Server: A MERGE statement must be terminated by a semi-colon (;).
DB Introspection
- Truncate table should not trigger schema synchronization.
- Cloud Oracle: Introspection fails with ORA-00942 because no table SYS.TYPE$.
DB Refactoring
- "Preview update" does not work when using alias.
Data Import & Export
- CSV/TXT Import to MSSQL Database without importing an id value.
Data Views
- Fallback font doesn't work correctly for table names.
SQL Completion
- Create table completion of "if exists" clause.
- Bad completion for GROUPING SETS.
- No completion for MySQL enum when caret inside quotes.
- ClickHouse engine autocomplete ignores letter size.
- Not relevant completion items when using Postfix Completion.
SQL General
- The "shutdown abort" command is treated as an error.
SQL Highlighting
- Postgres: INSERT INTO ... CROSS JOIN ... ON CONFLICT is marked as error.
- Cassandra 'CONSISTENCY' command is not supported.
- Clickhouse SQL dialect missing some newer features.
- Quote missing for column in "Replace column number with a name".
- DataGrip highlights by mistake unused line for distinct operator.
- Parameters in COALESCE marked as redundant when they are not due to a full outer join.
- DataGrip makes some valid statements red as error.
- mysql datasource,`stop slave` prompts an error.
- db2 hierarchical queries syntax support.
- Redundant coalesce false positive.
SQL Resolve
- Clickhouse alter syntax dont know about table's column.
- Resolve of function's return type in non-default schema.
No subsystem
- VueJS plugin with vuex-smart-module not working in IntelliJ IDEA v 2019.3 with destructuring assignment.
- "Preview update" does not work when table is not introspected.
JavaScript. Framework
- skotlin.KotlinNullPointerException with IDEA 2019.3.3 and Vue.js plugin 193.6494.25.
- "Navigate | Type Declaration" does nothing.