Improves DB Console and Data Views.
User Interface Project
- Added the ability to "Copy path" relative to repository root.
DB Console
- Added the ability to execute stored procedures.
Data Views
- Use Data Editor for editable views.
SQL General
- Add in-line variable names for scripts.
SQL Highlighting
- Support MySQL 8 SRID argument on GEOMETRY columns.
- Inspection about ROLLBACK and COMMIT in triggers.
- Support MySQL new grants (SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN).
No subsystem
- Web Types - Display new lines in quick doc description.
- Support TypeScript 3.8 type-only imports/exports: syntax-only.
- Tip of the Day: broken image.
PHP Inspections
- PHP 7.4 fails on a quality tools due to the conflict with libraries (PHPMD).
PHP Profiler
- UnsupportedOperationException when trying to open XDebug snapshot.
PHP Test
- PHPUnit: Invocation with class name is deprecated.
Plugin Joomla!
- Can't connect to database Joomla 4 integration.
Code Analysis Inspection
- Contract falsely report warning for methods that contain unchecked casts.
Code Analysis Structural Search
- Extra semicolon inserted on replace.
- Replace structurally removes spaces between repeated elements.
- Searching for javadoc with text and doc tag ignores text.
- Structural search doesn't work with JSX.
- Matching multiple fields in single declaration fails.
Core File System
- "Must not intern long path" exception when importing a Maven project.
Core IDE Settings
- Customize Menus - Navigation Bar popup menu items are not saving.
Core Installation
- Restart WildFly server after update despite canceling.
Core Platform API
- WinProcessListHelper.exe crashes on Windows 7.
Core Project Settings
- Editor - Duplicates - settings for Kotlin, JavaScript, Typescript and Actionscript reset after reopening Phpstorm in default settings and in project settings.
Editor Intention Actions
- Freeze on showing available intentions.
- Sort properties alphabetically breaks indentation in JSON.
- Ability to set a custom value for a max JSON schema file size.
Tools Docker
- Packages added in remote Python interpreter are not available for code completion.
- False positive on external network name in docker compose.
- Docker. FileChooser. F1 should lead to `Docker` section instead of `Services Tool Window` .
- Docker: connection Url is not checked if contains spaces.
- Extra spaces are not trimmed in the API URL in Docker server settings.
- Docker. Root node it selected instead of the container, which run via image/Dockerfile.
User Interface Navigation
- Goto Class should prefer start matches.
- Switch tab shortcut skips one file with Tab limit = 1.
User Interface Services View
- Services: RestoreHiddenConfigurations action should be available always when some configurations are hidden.
- Unable to remove Services tool window from panel.
Version Control Git
- Do not propose Force Add for directories.
Version Control Local History
- Undo doesn't work for "copy file" action.
Version Control Mercurial
- Authentication script does not work with Python 3.
DB Introspection
- Entire database synchronized every time there is a DDL commit.
DB Refactoring
- Using DELETE statement instead of TRUNCATE with Cassandra Table.
DB Schema Views
- Collapse descendant nodes in the DB tree.
Data Import & Export
- CSV export exports Minus sign as html code.
- JSON-Groovy fails on MongoDB database.
Data Views
- Select on Zerofill column.
- Table Editor Go to related data F4 not working.
- IDE hangs when opening table with lots of columns ~4000 (important for MongoDB).
- "Copy" command in right-click menu (right click on a cell) freezes Datagrip 2019.3.1.
SQL Completion
- Postgres: bad completion.
- Bad completion for table aliases in DDL commands.
- Add new auto fix for `Insertion into identity/autoincrement column is not supported`.
- Insert code template.
- MS SQL: useless autocompletion of type name in declare variable.
- Snowflake syntax doesn't recognize EXCEPT.
SQL Format and Style
- Semicolon is placed on a new line after 'go'.
SQL General
- SQL PostgreSQL dialect doesn't recognize \gset in sql-scripts.
SQL Highlighting
- Add support for AggregateFunction with parameters in ClickHouse dialect.
- MySQL - MEMBER OF unexpected keyword.
- Code error in valid mysql 8+ regarding functional indexes.
- Redundant argument name hint.
- SQLite INSTR function is not supported.
- Error message near 'cross join ... on' is not very user-friendly.
- Confusing folding for injected SQL queries.
- Bad inspection ("select from procedure call") for jsonb_to_recordset.
SQL Resolve
- PostgreSQL-dialect doesn't recognize jsonb_ops for gin-index.
- Asterisk behavior inside aggregate functions.
No subsystem
- TS / Context Action: Change To 'absolute path src/components/etc' no longer available.
- Color picker in CSS doesn't update the color of the gutter icon.
- Breakpoints in .ts files intermittently not hit in simple project.
- Debugger is not attached when debugging NPM script with explicitly specified debug options.
- Node.js debugger doesn't stop at breakpoint if the code was live-edited.
- Start tag has wrong closing tag.
- Completion for `type` attribute in `input` element doesn't work in Angular templates.
- Exception when I Reformat code.
- JSX parsing in flow javascript language is broken if tag contains a namespaced tag or attribute.
- Flow module resolution (Cannot resolve module).
JavaScript Frameworks
- Webstorm 2019.3 RC throws "XML tag has empty body" warning for Vue components.
JavaScript Inspections
- Webpack schema validation incorrectly flagging cacheGroups as shorthand format.
- Invalid 'Comparison of expressions having incompatible types' warning when using remainder operator with BigInt.
JavaScript Refactoring
- Inlining shorthand array type erases the array part of the type if type has a generic that "extends".
- Node.js 13.5.0 Can not enable [Coding assistance for Nodejs].
- "yarn install" gets incorrectly replaced with "yarn add".
- SASS built-in modules not recognised.
- Import on copy paste happens from wrong place.
- No autocompletion for properties accessed with [] on generic interface.
- Add compiler options "useDefineForClassFields" to tsconfig.
- "Override methods" doesn't generate "super" call when extending a class declared in d.ts file.
- Wrong Parameter Info for static overloaded method.
- Typescript - Wrong type inference when using a partial record.
- TypeScript import prefers longer wildcard mapping over shorter exact mapping.
- Completion of generic method inserts arguments in wrong place when replacing method expression.
- TypeScript lead to high memory leak & high cpu usage.
- Name completion is not suggesting the expected class/interface name.
Unit Tests
- Testing with react-scripts does not work since update.
- Latest Karma plugin claims that a regular angular.json is invalid